
Ancestry is the world’s largest genealogy company. The service helps people to discover the unknown, and often fascinating history, of their family tree.

The Brief

Our client asked us to help create a celebratory video for the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI. We were tasked with creating a moving piece of sharable content, using already existing material.

Ancestry WWI War Diaries Video

We are the video production partner of Ancestry who rely on us to make content for their international audience of historians, academics, students and family history enthusiasts. Our most recent project for them has seen us bring to life World War One diaries from the trenches. We Directed actors into reading from the diaries to narrate an emotive voiceover and added on-screen animations, motion graphics and archive footage to create a video which would give the viewer a sense of the bleak tragedy that unfolded around the young men. This required a mature approach to the content in order to treat it with the gravitas it rightly deserved.

The goal of this amazing project is to ensure customers and the public have every chance to research their WWI ancestors and find a very personal reason to commemorate Remembrance this year.

We have combined already existing footage with animation and voiceover, in order to create a powerful piece which will reach our client’s target audience.

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