Video Pricing Explained

Sound Design

Sound design adds an extra layer of quality to the film. It involves adding sound effects and atmospheres to make the sound more rich. It may also include dialogue cleanup to make the voices as clear as possible and a final mix to balance the music with the dialogue and sound effects to make sure everything is working together rather than competing.

Sound design is charged on an hourly basis and the cost we quote is based on our experience of having worked with sound designers on similar jobs.

We work with the best sound designers for the type of job we’re quoting on. For example, some sound designers are specialists in adding the hyperbolised bangs crashes and pops found in children’s animation, others in subtle dramatic narrative to ground the viewer in the scene. We will choose the best specialist for your job.

The cost we quoted covers two sets of revisions / changes to the sound design.  We’ve never needed more than one set of client amends to get the sound design right. 

The below videos have sound design added to augment the animated effects.