The Bold Content Animation Process

Asking Questions

We ask you a series of questions to allow us to gain an in-depth understanding of the message you want to communicate.

Script Writing

We take your answers and write a first draft script. We then take onboard your feedback and work on the script until we get it right.

Style Frames

After researching your brand, our animators will deliver images to give you a sense of the style of the animation. We take onboard your feedback and iterate until you’re happy with the look of the style frames.


We sketch what will happen in the visuals and how they will work with the script.


We take onboard your feedback at every stage of the process but it’s especially important to get your input before we enter the animation phase.  We make sure that you’re happy before we progress.


Here the animator gets to work making the images move in accordance with the script, style frames and the storyboard.

Finishing Touches

We add a professionally recorded voice over, sound effects and music to bring your animation to life.


We can help you get eyeballs to the video with our video marketing services.

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