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Per Diem / Food for Crew



As per government guidelines we provide food for our cast and crew if they’re going to be away from home for more than five hours.  Usually we provide lunch on a shoot because shoots normally last longer than four hours and go over lunch time.

We’ve found that providing a good lunch is the best way to keep crews motivated and happy.

Most of our shoots are in London and once we’ve purchased lunch and a drink we don’t get much change from £20 so we’ve set this as a standard lunch allowance per person.

If we’re asking people to leave home early in the morning we also provide breakfast and again we don’t get much change from £15 once the all important coffee has been taken into consideration.

Dinner is usually a larger expense so we allow our crew members to spend up to £25 per head on food and drink for an evening meal.

If overnight stays are necessary we allow another £10 for laundry and incidentals.

Sometimes catering for the whole crew is a more time-efficient way of operating, in which case costs vary depending on the catering company used. We will of course advise clients on these costs before committing to them.