Love Lived

 Behind The Scenes Video

Contact the Elderly is the only national charity solely dedicated to tackling loneliness and social isolation among older people. Supported by a network of volunteers, the charity organises monthly Sunday afternoon tea parties for small groups of older people, aged 75 and over, who live alone.

The Brief

Loved Lived is a collaborative project which captures the images and stories of an older generation on the subject of love. Each of the participants in the project are over the age of the 70 with a lifetime of experience to reflect on what love has meant to them. The project was produced in association with the national charity Contact the Elderly.

The subjects for the video had been selected by the charity Contact the Elderly, and so we were confident that theirs would be good stories and that they would be willing to talk on camera. From those that were willing to volunteer their time we chose the subjects whose stories we felt would be the most compelling.

Each of the subjects selected had fascinating stories as you might expect of seventy five years plus of life and each approached the subject of romantic love from a unique viewpoint.

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