Green Set Initiative

Going Green: Bold Content’s Commitment to Sustainable Productions


At Bold Content, we believe that the future of video production is green. Our Green Set Initiative is a testament to our commitment to sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint. By integrating eco-friendly practices into our production processes, we are not only minimising our environmental impact but also setting a standard for the industry. Here’s how we’re making a difference:


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle


One of the core principles of our Green Set Initiative is the encouragement of a “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” mindset among our crew. We understand that every little bit helps, and by fostering these habits, we can collectively make a significant impact. Whether it’s reusing set materials, recycling props, or minimising waste, our team is dedicated to finding sustainable solutions in every aspect of our work.


Refillable Bottles and Coffee Cups


To combat the issue of excess waste, we strongly encourage all crew members to use refillable bottles and coffee cups. Single-use plastics and disposable cups contribute greatly to environmental pollution, and by making this simple switch, we can drastically reduce the amount of waste produced on set. 


Digital Documentation


In our pursuit of sustainability, we have transitioned to digital documentation. All necessary documents, scripts, and call sheets are distributed in a digital format, reducing the need for printed materials. This not only saves paper but also makes it easier for our team to access and organise important information. By going digital, we are cutting down on paper waste and promoting a more efficient workflow.


Thoughtful Energy Use


Energy conservation is another critical component of our Green Set Initiative. We promote a “Switch Off When Not Using” policy to ensure that lights, equipment, and other electronics are turned off when not in use. This simple yet effective practice helps to reduce our energy consumption and lower our carbon footprint. It’s a small step that contributes to a larger goal of sustainability.


Leading by Example


At Bold Content, we understand that our actions speak louder than words. By implementing these green practices, we are leading by example and demonstrating that sustainability is not just an option but a responsibility. We are proud to be making strides towards a more sustainable future and hope to inspire others in the industry to follow suit.


Sustainability is at the heart of our operations, and we are continually looking for new ways to enhance our green practices. Together, we can create productions that are not only creative and compelling but also kind to our planet.


By adopting these green initiatives, Bold Content is not only creating exceptional video content but also paving the way for a more sustainable industry. Our commitment to the environment reflects our dedication to both our craft and the world we live in. Let’s make every production a step towards a healthier planet.


Join us in our journey towards a greener future, one set at a time.