
Not everyone can attend an event or conference in person, but live-streaming, allows the material to reach a worldwide audience, who can watch in real-time.

We have live-streamed many different events, from the Prime Minister speaking from the House of Lords, to a metal-detecting event in the middle of a countryside field.

We are adept at streaming conferences, panels, Q&As, seminars, and launch parties.

We can stream a single feed from your event to our servers which can then be put out to unlimited destinations online, for example simultaneously to Facebook, YouTube, Periscope, Twitch, your own servers, as well as a custom embeddable player with your own logo and colour scheme. We automatically take an online backup of the stream which is available as video-on-demand 10 minutes after the stream has ended. The video file can be replaced if there are any edits required.

We also have the ability to have auto updating Twitter feeds or administered Twitter feeds overlaid onto videos based on specific hashtags or user accounts for real-time interaction with viewers, and a full chat window available to be embedded with the stream!

We’re great listeners, so why not have a chat?