Bold Content Tips for Expanding Your Brand Presence in a Positive Way

Creating a positive brand message and maintaining that image is a challenging one. There are multiple ways to go about building your brand presence online and within your industry’s community. We will explore some of these tips in this article, but first we need to define a few terms.

First, let’s clarify what we mean by ‘brand’, because it is a term that is often used in the marketing industry, but it is understood to varying degrees.

expand your brand presenceA broad definition of the word ‘brand’ is ‘a product or service that comes from a specific source’. For example, chocolate comes from Hershey’s or Cadbury. This is not a bad description, but we can be more specific.

This brings up the point that there is a distinction between a ‘brand’ and a ‘brand-name’. A brand-name is just that: the name. A brand is a little more broad.

The modern definition of a brand is what a consumer thinks of when they hear your brand name. It is the company’s identity in the public mind. One of the ways we know that a brand is growing in prominence is when the brand-name is used in place of the product. For example, a tissue is often referred to as a Kleenex, because Kleenex is a popular brand of tissue in the United States.

So with this definition of ‘brand’ in mind, let’s explore some tips to expand your brand presence in an affirmative manner.

Evaluate/Plan Your Brand

Take a look at what your media presence looks like. If you are a start-up company beginning from the ground up, then you have a blank slate and can start from scratch. Take a look at your corporate values. Set up social media accounts and get registered on as many relevant sites as possible to begin expanding your name. Plan your brand around your corporate values and put out media that reflects these values.

If you are an existing company, then you need to evaluate what is and is not working for you. If you already have recurring customers, then you should look to replicate the social media/advertising you are already putting out. Equally, if your strategy needs adjusting, do some research on what works for companies similar to yours.

Target Your Audience

expand your brand presence

When evolving your brand, look at what strategies you have used to capture an audience. If you’re a new brand, think about whatyour potential consumers will value. Instead of marketing to the whole, identify your segment of the market.

Don’t be afraid to do research to better understand who your company is selling to. You want to create interesting content that your audience can connect to, and that will entirely depend on the demographics you’re targeting.

Social Media

Social media is a huge avenue to market your brand. When you post on social media such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Google+, include a photo, image, or a link. People don’t respond to text alone anymore, so having a visual will help keep you from being lost in the stream or timeline.

Also, share your positive feedback. Displaying that you are having positive interactions with customers goes a long way in building credibility. Share any projects or collaborations you have with other companies—often, you can piggyback off of other business’s existing consumer base.


Creating and maintaining a blog can go a long way towards making your company prominent in the industry. Produce content that is interesting to you and relevant to your industry. Be consistent—the more you publish, the more likely it is for the audience to reach it. This can also boost your credibility within the industry by showing that you are producing useful articles for your industry.

Additionally, share your blog across your social media accounts. Tailor each post for the specific community and cross-reference your platforms whenever possible.

Blogging can also lead to guest blogging, and this lets you tap into the existing audience of another website.

Social Media Ads

Social medias like Facebook and Twitter use technology called placement optimisation that increases efficiency by targeting the ad’s audience. Since it focuses the ad based on which platform is less expensive at the time, it can also save you money.

Due to this targeting technology, you can advertise to people who have already ‘liked’ similar companies or products to yours. This is a great way to reach a wide audience with minimum work.

Attend Events

Don’t restrict your marketing to online only! Attend conferences and workshops to network in person. Public speaking is daunting for most, but speaking at such events can also increase your company’s transparency and credibility. And don’t forget to share such instances on social media afterwards. It’s this kind of presence that people will remember when they hear or see your company’s logo.

Keep Your Logo/Content Consistent

expand your brand presenceMake sure you are featuring your logo on your advertisements and the media you put out. You want people to associate your company with your message or story. When they see a product similar to the one you offer, you want the consumer to immediately be reminded of your brand name.

Overall, there are numerous things you can do to improve your brand presence. Creating original content is a big method, but make sure your content truly reflects the values of your company and consumers.

In addition to making your brand a positive one, you will also want to be concerned with brand safety. Check out one of our recent blog posts for more on this topic.