Bold Content Brand Videos at Each Stage of the Marketing Funnel

How Brand Videos can be Used at Each Stage of the Marketing Funnel


Brand videos are versatile tools in a marketing funnel, they’re the only type of video that can be used effectively at each stage of the marketing funnel. One video can do it all!.. Ok we agree that it’s best if individual videos are created for each stage of the buyer journey but if you could only make one video, a brand video would be a safe bet. At the top of the funnel a brand video can raise awareness. They can be posted onto social channels, sent in cold outreach and used in advertising campaigns. They work best at the middle of the funnel to help people evaluate and make decisions. We buy on emotion and the purpose of a brand video is to make you feel something about a brand. Logic backs it up by communicating your core value proposition and USPs.
At the bottom of the funnel people are looking for reassurance. A brand video can mention previous successes, clients worked with, awards won etc.
So although a holistic marketing campaign would create videos for each of these purposes, brand videos are your first port of call to cover all bases.
There are many different types of brand video and each one can be tailored more towards one stage of the funnel. Let’s explore how:

Top of the Funnel: Raising Awareness

At this stage, potential customers are just becoming aware of their needs or problems and may not yet know about your brand. The goal here is to grab attention and make a memorable impression.

Brand Anthem Videos

These are powerful for creating an emotional connection. A compelling brand story can resonate with viewers’ values and interests, making them more likely to remember and engage with your brand. These videos are big on the ‘feels’ which helps them grab attention and stick in peoples’ memories.

Animated Brand Videos

These help in simplifying complex ideas or introducing new concepts. By educating the audience in an engaging way, you pique their interest and encourage them to learn more.

Social Media Videos

Short, engaging videos tailored for social media platforms can significantly boost visibility and share-ability, helping to reach a wider audience.

Middle of the Funnel: Nurturing and Decision Making

Here, prospects are considering their options and evaluating different solutions. Videos at this stage should provide more detailed information to help them in their decision-making process.

Animated Brand Explainer Videos

These provide a closer look at your products or services, demonstrating their benefits and how they work. This helps prospects understand why your offering might be the best solution for their needs.

Brand Videos Featuring Testimonials

Real stories from satisfied customers add credibility and social proof, which can be influential in swaying prospects who are on the fence.

Bottom of the Funnel: Reassurance and Loyalty

At the bottom of the funnel, the focus shifts to converting prospects into customers and building long-term loyalty.

Customer Journey Videos and Success Stories

These reinforce the positive outcomes of choosing your brand, giving potential customers a glimpse of what they can expect and reinforcing the value proposition.

Brand Videos Showing the Corporate Culture

Showcasing your brand’s values, ethics, and commitment can be a decisive factor for customers who want to buy from companies they feel good about.

Brand videos are an essential part of the marketing funnel, whether you have one video to assist prospects from awareness, through consideration and onto decision, or different types of brand videos with each type serving a specific purpose at different stages. At the top, they create interest; in the middle, they provide information and build trust; and at the bottom, they reinforce the decision and foster loyalty. By strategically incorporating these various types of videos, brands can effectively guide their audience through the entire customer journey, from the first point of contact to a lasting relationship.

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Author Bio

Adam Neale has been working in the video industry for over two decades. He has run multiple production companies and has received awards for his work from global film festivals along with a Vimeo Staff Pick and a Webby Award.