Bold Content The Power of Video in eLearning

International Day of Education: The Power of Video in eLearning

On this International Day of Education, we’re keen to highlight a transformative educational tool that has been reshaping how we learn and engage with information: video in eLearning, and just how powerful of a tool it really is.
As experts in eLearning video production we’ve seen first hand how powerful it can be to help viewers retain important information. Nowadays we’re using interactive videos to help viewers learn at their own pace and choose their own journey through the content. 

There’s no denying that videos are very effective learning tools, and take up a large portion of the learning world today, and will do so in the future too. They are cost effective, and an impactful way to teach a whole range of different subjects, with many different use-cases, all from the comfort of a viewer’s phone or laptop. This is likely why 95% of companies make use of some form of video for employee training.  You have likely encountered or sought them out yourself, and (hopefully) learnt something along the way, whether through a paid online course or a simple YouTube tutorial. 

Why should you use video for eLearning?

With its ability to engage learners, enhance comprehension, and provide flexible access to information, video-based learning offers a range of benefits that traditional learning methods often struggle to match. Below we will delve into the benefits of video based learning and how it has revolutionised the way we acquire knowledge and skills. From improved retention to increased interactivity, let’s delve into the world of video-based learning and uncover its benefits.

Meeting Learning Goals

Video-based learning serves as an effective means to empower viewers in attaining their learning objectives. In our work with Tech She Can, each new episode commences with a collaborative session with the TSC team. During this meeting, we engage in a thorough discussion of the upcoming episode, establishing the most important learning goals tailored to the specific context of the Katie and Tex narrative. These objectives encompass a spectrum of targets, ranging from concrete milestones—such as ensuring that viewers comprehend the safety features of a particular technology by the video’s conclusion—to broader aspirations, such as instilling in young viewers the awareness that online activities should always be conducted under the guidance of a parent, guardian, or teacher. Once these precise learning goals are defined, our approach involves reverse engineering the narrative, crafting a storyline that seamlessly integrates educational content with entertainment value to effectively meet the established objectives.

Simplifying Complex Concepts

One of the significant advantages of video-based learning lies in its ability to demystify intricate concepts. Visual storytelling becomes a powerful tool, enabling learners to effortlessly grasp and comprehend complex subjects. A notable example of this is evident in our Katie and Tex series, particularly in the creation of an episode addressing the intricacies of cyber security—a subject that eludes full understanding even for some adults. Collaborating with the Tech She Can team, we undertook the task of distilling the concept of cyber security into a format comprehensible for children. In this episode, we metaphorically framed a computer as a birthday party, where entry is restricted to invited guests only. The video then proceeds to explain the role of ethical hackers as the vigilant bodyguards tasked with keeping uninvited companies at bay.

When leveraging video for educational purposes, diverse approaches exist for rendering complex subjects accessible. Whether employing on-screen visual cues, creating instructional how-to videos, or delivering product demonstrations, video emerges as an invaluable tool for simplifying intricate subject matter.

Engagement and Retention

The captivating nature of video is paramount, especially in a digital age saturated with online distractions. eLearning videos, in particular, have demonstrated a remarkable capacity to increase engagement rates amongst learners. Making use of compelling storytelling, and dynamic motion graphics collectively crafts a learning experience that seamlessly blends learning with enjoyment. Beyond mere engagement, the incorporation of visual and auditory elements in videos significantly contributes to the enhanced retention of information among learners.

Furthermore, the versatility of each eLearning course allows for tailored customisation, offering an abundance of creative possibilities. This potential is magnified when considering the integration of interactive video elements in eLearning.

Interactive Video

Interactive videos play a pivotal role in enhancing both engagement and retention rates, catering to a diverse range of use cases. A case in point is our collaboration with RightShip, where we tackled the creation of a video centred around their code of conduct. Recognising the need for an innovative approach, we proposed an interactive animation in a collage style as a fitting solution to fulfil the project requirements.

Understanding the challenges faced by internal communications teams in grabbing attention, we advocated for an interactive video experience as an effective means to cut through the noise. Such an approach not only provides viewers with a fun and engaging learning experience but also introduces a novel concept. By incorporating an interactive video mention in the subject line of an email, we anticipated an instant piquing of interest. Throughout the video, interactive quiz questions were strategically placed after key topics to allow for active viewer engagement and aid in the retention and recall of information related to the code of conduct.The results of these interactive elements, including quiz scores, are seamlessly fed back to RightShip’s HR team, enabling real-time monitoring of engagement levels. 

This shows one of the core benefits of interactive videos for eLearning—they not only offer an engaging experience for the viewer but also empower course creators to assess, in real-time, the extent to which the audience has met the learning goals following video consumption.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

eLearning videos are a powerful tool to overcome language barriers, fostering a more accessible and inclusive educational experience. Visual cues serve as a universal language, transcending linguistic limitations and providing a pathway for learners from diverse linguistic backgrounds. This inclusivity extends to subtitling, a feature particularly beneficial for individuals speaking different languages or those with hearing impairments

Moreover, videos offer an excellent opportunity to showcase diversity through the characters portrayed, enabling every viewer to see themselves in the content they are learning. Whether presenting relatable human characters or utilising abstract animated figures (such as someone depicted in blue), the medium ensures a connection that resonates universally. Additionally, In our collaborative efforts with brands, we prioritise accessibility guidelines, ensuring that the chosen branding colours are accessible to individuals who are colour-blind or visually impaired. This commitment to accessibility not only aligns with inclusivity goals but also guarantees that educational content is universally comprehensible and enjoyable for learners with diverse abilities and backgrounds.

With eLearning videos, you can also be sure that students can learn at a pace that suits them. If they need to pause or go back to hear information again, the medium allows for it. Or, for those superstars in the classroom, many video players allow for playback of 1.5x speed, allowing the viewer to go through the modules faster if they are able to get a good grip on the content. 

Customisation and Scalability

eLearning videos provide unparalleled opportunities for customisation, allowing content to be tailored to specific age groups, professions, and diverse learning styles. Video, as a versatile medium, can be adapted to meet a wide range of needs, making it a dynamic tool for educational personalisation. The flexibility of these resources extends to ease of scaling and global distribution, facilitating the widespread supply of quality education. The surge in popularity of eLearning across various domains can be attributed to this adaptability and scalability.

For example, our collaboration with LSE involved creating video content sponsored by Santander as part of their ‘Learning Pills’ series. Three LSE academics delivered insightful content on leadership and management, showcasing the adaptability of eLearning to suit diverse academic topics.

Furthermore, Goldsmiths sought our expertise to craft a series of videos for their Careers Service, aiming to enhance connections with students. Recognising the evolving needs of students, the informative videos were designed to be easily accessible online. Students can now visit Goldsmiths’ Career Service page at their convenience, gaining valuable advice on future careers anytime, anywhere.

These examples underscore the myriad use cases for eLearning video content, demonstrating its potential to cater to diverse educational needs and preferences.

Future-Proofing Education

As we move deeper into the digital age, the role of video in education is likely to expand. The flexibility of learning takes precedence as eLearning platforms increasingly prioritise mobile-friendly solutions. The rise of bite-sized, on-the-go learning through micro-learning is emphasised, highlighting the importance of responsive design and dedicated mobile apps in creating accessible and flexible learning experiences.

The use of AI

One of the most effective applications of AI in video-based learning is through adaptive or personalised learning approaches. This strategy involves adjusting learning paths and course content based on detailed learner analytics. AI tools, leveraging insights into each learner’s competency level, could then adjust the difficulty level of the course content. This adaptability ensures that the learning experience is optimised, progressively challenging the learner until they attain sufficient expertise in the subject matter.

To illustrate, consider a scenario where a student is acquiring a new skill. With adaptive learning, each successive module becomes more challenging in direct response to the student’s growing proficiency. This adaptive learning model can then be translated into a video format, engaging students with content that is precisely personalised to their evolving needs. By integrating AI into video-based learning, educators can create a dynamic and tailored educational experience that not only captures the learner’s attention but also maximises the effectiveness of the learning journey.

On this International Day of Education, let’s recognise the practical impact of video in eLearning. It’s not just about keeping students engaged; it’s a key tool for creating a more inclusive, accessible, and effective educational experience. If you’re looking to discuss your specific video needs, feel free to get in touch with us anytime!

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Author Bio

Hayley Van Gend is the in-house video strategist here at Bold Content. She specialises in planning video strategies, video marketing across our channels as well as actively participating in shoots.